Queensland Country Life

BCU Bank offers industry know-how and strong local connections

BCU Business Banking Relationship Manager Steven Anderson, left, speaks with a valued customer. Picture supplied
BCU Business Banking Relationship Manager Steven Anderson, left, speaks with a valued customer. Picture supplied

This is branded content for BCU Bank

When it comes to finding a business banking partner, industry know-how and strong local connections are key, particularly in the agricultural sector.

BCU Bank Business Banking understands this need for personalised service by offering a dedicated team of Relationship Managers across a range of sectors.

BCU Business Banking Relationship Manager Steven Anderson is an agribusiness specialist, with more than 30 years' experience across regional and rural financial services, as well as the big four banks.

"I started with BCU 10 years ago and in that time, I've worked with a range of agricultural businesses, including broadacre cropping, beef and dairy cattle, sugarcane, and macadamia industries," Steven said.

"Agribusiness is the culmination of a lot of different industries, so you need to know a lot about all things primary production.

"From working with peak industry bodies, to machinery manufacturers, and other service providers, we can draw from the connections we make in the community to help our customers grow their business.

"Customers are looking for someone who can listen to them and provide expert advice, who knows the industry, the jargon, and the different ways of doing things."

BCU's Business Banking team helps customers dealing with diverse challenges. Picture AdobeStock
BCU's Business Banking team helps customers dealing with diverse challenges. Picture AdobeStock

That deep industry knowledge includes having a good understanding of the biggest pressures impacting the industry, including weather events, seasonal fluctuations, and inflation.

"Many farmers responded to dry season predictions for 2024 by destocking, resulting in a price drop for their cattle, before what turned out to be a very wet season," Steven said.

"A lot of work in times like these happens behind the scenes, and it doesn't really translate to a statistic for us as a business, but being by our customers sides during the good and the bad is the nature of our work.

"Farmgate prices are another pressure we see, where the price of their product pretty much collapsed overnight this time last year, like we saw recently in the macadamia industry.

"Our business banking team is here to support customers in navigating these often unpredictable and diverse challenges."

Each member of the BCU Business Banking team combines authentic industry know-how and strong local connections to tailor their service to your needs, whether your business is farming, property development or anything in between.

"While we offer a range of competitive loans and terms of up to 25 years, going with the little guy can provide advantages beyond our products," Steven said.

"Our decision-making process - from credit to management - is all local, meaning our customers speak directly to their Relationship Manager who is empowered to advocate for their business and will be with them every step of the way."

BCU is a part of Police & Nurses Limited, operating as the P&N Group, one of Australia's largest customer-owned banking organisations, represented by BCU Bank in New South Wales and south-east Queensland and P&N Bank in Western Australia.

As a customer-owned bank, BCU's shareholders and customers are one and the same so you can be assured you and your business will always come first.

  • Visit bcu.com.au/business-banking

This is branded content for BCU Bank