Tara sheep and cattle producer leads Toastmasters

Helen Walker
July 16 2016 - 6:00am
Tara district Coolalee stud sheep breeder and cattle producer, Joe Abbott, attending the Toastmasters meeting in Toowoomba in June.
Tara district Coolalee stud sheep breeder and cattle producer, Joe Abbott, attending the Toastmasters meeting in Toowoomba in June.

Public speaking once terrified Tara sheep and cattle producer Joe Abbott – so how did he end up leading thousands of Toastmasters in an area covering almost half of Australia?

Helen Walker

Helen Walker

Toowoomba-based Journalist

Helen is the Toowoomba-based journalist who loves nothing better than covering anything horse sport related, however she covers all commodities and personality yarns. Over the years she has lived in Brisbane, Rockhampton, Longreach and Roma filing stories for the 'bible of the bush'. Contact 0459 827414.

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